Thursday, June 11, 2009

Dark angels - Torkom Saraydarian

We are told that certain dark entities take the form of angels and appear to those whose vanity they can use for certain purposes. Many false directions have been given by such entities throughout the ages, and many books are channeled by them to their servants. One must be extremely careful to recognize these wolves in sheepskins.

There are many signs by which you can recognize such imposters. Some of them praise you and feed your vanity. Some of them speak about your past lives. Some reveal the secrets of other people. Others advise you to take certain actions to satisfy your desires. Others tell you that you are a Messiah, a Christ, a prophet, to satisfy your desires. Still others try to dominate your will and give you orders. Others stimulate your sexual center or inspire hatred and revenge in your heart. Others create cleavages between you and the source of your vision. It is not strange that they have their followers among human beings who do the same things, following the examples of their bosses.

The dark angels work through their agents if they see that they cannot deceive you themselves. Sometimes it is easier to know them than to know their human agents, who have graduated from the ‘school’ of the art of deception and who usually approach you as a friend, helper, etc.

Real angels are not involved in your personality problems. They are not interested in your past but in the Hierarchy, Shamballa, and the glorious Plan.

Just as there are angels who preside over families, cities, and nations, there are also dark ones who try to establish their own stations to hinder the labor of the real angels. Such dark ones can establish their headquarters in locations where there are whorehouses, gambling places, groups which are separative and criminal, nightclubs where alcohol is used, or places where drugs are used. Through the substance of people present in such places, dark ones come and anchor themselves in cities and towns, and from that date on, crime, sickness, and insanity increases there.

On the other hand, angels inspire Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, Freedom, tolerance, gratitude, and striving. They strengthen their positions in a nation, city, or town when a certain amount of people dedicate their lives to the Common Good and the service of humanity. Thus there can be a close interrelation between angels and men if people transform their lives and work for the upliftment of humanity, for the cleaning of pollution, and for progressive achievements toward the Hierarchy of Light.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Angels and Devas

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