Sunday, June 21, 2009

How to sustain the love

Men and women prize love above all else, and they hope to find the love of their life and to live it for all eternity. Why then do they find it so hard to sustain their love for a few years or even a few months?

Because the moment they discover they love a man or woman, they become fixed on this person. They are not aware that this creature is a channel through whom the beauty, charm and qualities of another world flow, and that their soul thirsts for this other world. So they concentrate on this creature and expect everything from him or her. This is their mistake and the cause of their disillusion and sorrow.

Men and women must learn to consider one another as a point of departure in their search for love's source. Only in this way will they avoid disappointment, for at its source the water of love is always crystal-clear, pure and invigorating.

-Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

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