Friday, June 26, 2009

The mourner limits his loved one

When someone close to you dies - a parent or a friend, for example - you naturally feel the need to hold on to certain keepsakes such as objects, letters or photographs. But these cannot preserve your loved one's presence, for it is not to be found in objects but in his spirit. And as long as you focus on a few objects, you are dealing with matter, not spirit.

It is also natural to go and sit quietly at a graveside, but it is the body there in the grave, not the spirit. The spirit needs freedom and strives to detach from the body and travel in limitless space, which is its true homeland. The mourner who suffers and weeps at a grave, as if the person in the coffin must remain there for eternity, limits his loved one and hinders his desire for freedom. And in any case, it will not bring him back.

If you truly want to be reunited with a loved one, make the effort to seek him where he can be found: far away and very high in the light.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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