Saturday, June 06, 2009

What do angels hate? - Torkom Saraydarian

Angels hate the pollution of the earth, water, air, and Space. Any protection of the environment gives them extreme joy. They do not want people to destroy forests, flowers, or bushes because these are their own creative work which they offer to living forms for their survival and enjoyment. It is through forests, trees, bushes, and flowers that the energy and influence of the angels reach human beings, heal their wounds and impart to their hearts new visions of a better future.

Angels hate for the water to be polluted. Water elementals are the essence of the water. Pollution makes them withdraw, and the water loses its healing and refreshing essence. When water is polluted, it affects the soil, vegetation, and even the air.

Angels do not want wars, disunity, or cleavages between nations, between families, and within families. Any cleavage creates disturbances in the angelic worlds. Unity and harmony give them delight.

Angels hate the pollution of the air. They cannot easily help humanity if people are living in pollution. When devas withdraw from a certain location because of earth, water and air pollution, crime increases there. People lose their source of guidance and inspiration and live an anti-evolutionary life. They fall into vices and slowly lose their sense of values and their sense of direction. They waste their time, energy, bodies, and money, and gladly face the path of degeneration and insanity.

Angels hate the pollution of Space. Through wrong and criminal thoughts, hatred, and bloodshed, people pollute the Space and prevent the currents of light, love, and direction from reaching them.

Angels do not like to be close to those people whose secretions are malodorous and poisonous. Such a condition occurs in people because of their conflicting emotions, guilt feelings, hatred, malice, slander, and treason. Purity of the aura attracts them.

Bedrooms that have various odors repel them. This is why Oriental Sages advise sleeping in the open air if one is not in danger of various pollutions. Sleeping in mountains, deserts, forests, or near the shores of lakes or rivers gives an opportunity to higher beings to come closer to you. Bedrooms must be simple and almost vacant, away from odors, decaying materials, and mechanical noises.

Angels are repelled by places where sewage flows or stagnant water, dead animals, blood, urine, or waste materials exist. They like well-ventilated rooms, where odors and different smells do not exist. They do not like the smell of meat or barbecues. They do not like the smell of burned food. They are also repelled by irritation, anger, and violent emotions. Once when I was angry and irritated, my grandmother said to me, “Do not disturb your invisible friends”.

Communication with Higher Worlds gradually becomes more difficult as the moral pollution accumulates. Like a fog around the earth, it hinders the communication between the two worlds and affects humanity in general to such a degree that eventually clearing this moral fog becomes impossible. This leads humanity toward suicide or total destruction.

Just as angels hate the pollution of the earth, water, air, and Space and withdraw further into Space, a similar thing happens in a person when he pollutes his physical body with alcohol, drugs, unhealthy sexual practices, etc; when he pollutes his emotional body through hatred, fear, anger, greed, jealousy, revenge; and when he pollutes his mental body with vanity, prejudices, separatism, pride, and ego. In such conditions, the Inner Guardian withdraws and darkness descends on the path of the person.

Angels love calmness, serenity, gentleness, poise, solemnity, and grace. Whenever they see such qualities in someone, they are attracted to him and pass to him their joy, blessings, and protection.

Some people have angelic elements in their speech, actions and expressions. Beyond what they are, they have something which cannot be put into words: they have an angelic element which is magnetic, graceful, inspiring, and strengthening. Some people are surrounded by a group of angels, and the presence of such people brings joy, solemnity, understanding, gratitude and ecstasy.

Angels affect people through their presence, even if they do not talk. Their invisible influence spreads like a fragrance. Psychic energy is also transmitted by angels. They are powerful transmitters or even sources of psychic energy. When a person is charged with psychic energy, he turns into a source of creative, healing and enlightening energy.

Angels especially help those who teach the pure Teaching of the Hierarchy to increase Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy, and Freedom in the world. They stand beside such people and strengthen their aura with their angelic emanations. They protect them from dark attacks. They remind them of special events or points in their memory. They can even connect them to higher spheres for greater inspiration and ideas or for energy.

Sometimes a group of angels performs various duties. For example, during a lecture, some angels regenerate the memory. Some of them impart ideas. Some of them charge the words of the lecturer with their own energies. They purify the space over the audience. They insulate the mental lines of certain people who are connected with dark forces. Some of them impart joy, enthusiasm, and the spirit of unity. Thus they uplift the whole audience.

Certain angels serve as connecting links between the lecturer and his Master, or between the mind and the Intuitional Plane of the lecturer. On rare occasions, it is even experienced that they urge the Solar Angel of the lecturer to take control and speak through the lecturer himself instead of through his soul.

Angels sometimes even protect holy places or certain houses by standing guard at the door or windows and directing enemies to different paths. In certain cases, they provide money, food, paper, and books. They make you discover lost objects and find people whose addresses were unknown.

People have created ways and means to control angels and use them for their own personal ends. The real Teaching is against such actions. You must provide the right conditions for the angels to help, since they are there to help you.

Angels love the beauty of gardens, flowers, natural colors, music, and fragrance. Music is very important to them. They like to enjoy music or paintings that carry a spiritual charge from the artist. If the artwork is created from a high spiritual level and by a person who is charged with lofty ideas and visions, the music or painting carries a great power for them, a great nourishment and joy. They dwell in those areas where great music and art in various forms are created or performed.

Angels especially love the fragrance of rose, musk, freesias, violets, amber and frankincense. They love the natural fragrance emanating from a person full of joy and ecstasy.

Devas and angels love fountains, waterfalls, rocks, and precious stones. They love beeswax candles, flames, and incense, especially sandalwood and rose. They love live flowers and little plants in your home, especially little pine trees. They love melodious music, paintings, statues built by great artists, and Oriental and Indian carpets.

Noise is very repelling to angels, especially the noise of machinery. They also hate the noise rising from a group or a crowd of people where everyone is talking with everyone else. In ancient times Teachers told us that when people gather together they are allowed to do the following things:

1. Keep silence
2. Meditate
3 Sing together
4. Listen to a lecture or music
5. Pray together in unison

Angels do not like applause. Applause shatters their vehicles and the sphere of electricity which they build over the audience if the audience is in ecstasy and united in the spirit of the lecture or other performance. Very soon applause will be outmoded when a certain number of persons realize the damage done by it.

Angels abhor treason, gossip, malice, and slander. They especially do not forgive a person who denies the Hierarchy or speaks blasphemous words against Great Ones. In such cases, they leave the person to face his dark destiny alone.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Angels and Devas

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