Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Debates, differences and confrontations

It is legitimate in ordinary life for human beings to express and defend their opinions, even very eccentric ones. Yes, as long as people have no knowledge of the eternal truths of initiatic Science, it is important for them to assert themselves, to question and challenge each other. By crossing swords and making sparks fly, they may end up closer to the truth.

But once you have entered an initiatic school where you are taught the great cosmic laws, it is no longer appropriate to argue and impose your personal views. In society, differences and confrontations are fine: it is necessary to have lots of thinkers, investigators and critics who analyse, theorize and debate. Once you have discovered the truths of initiatic Science, however, you must no longer waste time in debate. Strive only to put these truths into practice.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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