Wednesday, July 01, 2009

How to ask for the help of Angels

The first requisite for help is a pure, sincere heart. As long as there are hypocrisy, self-interest, thoughts of exploitation, lies, and deception in your heart, angels are repelled by you.

First of all, we must know that angels see us as we are. We cannot ask for their help if we are trying to hide our motives or if we want to continue to live the way we were living in the past. We often need their help because we face difficulties which were the result of causes we put into action. We must not continue to create the same causes if we expect their help. This is why a self-confession is necessary before we ask for their help.

The second requisite for their help is not to have doubt in your mind - doubt about their existence or doubt that you are doing wrong by praying to them instead of praying to God. Remember that often you ask for the help of your friends, and you do not think you are doing wrong. You ask for the assistance of the police and other governmental officials instead of going to the President. The Angelic Hierarchy is designated to help people, like all the officials of the government. There is nothing wrong in going to an official whose duty it is to meet your special needs.

Angels like to communicate with you and help you if you create the right approach. But the amount of help they can give you is conditioned by your karma, by your ability to recognize the mistakes you made in the past, and by the attitude you hold in the present. If you are able to face yourself clearly and decide to walk the path of Beauty, Goodness, Righteousness, Joy and Freedom, you can minimize the effect of your past karma and open the door of possibility wider to receive greater help from the angelic kingdom.

A similar prerequisite applies to other kinds of help. For example, you may need light and wisdom to solve certain problems. Or you may need deeper inspirations to create great artworks or to invent things that will help humanity. In all such needs for angelic help, you have to purify your motives, detach yourself from past failures, and decide not to follow the path which leads you toward self-defeat. When your motive is really pure, it shines like a magnetic light and attracts help.

You must also remember that if your needs are not answered, it does not mean that angels have rejected you. They cannot act against your karma, but they can help you to be strong and to understand the real issues. Also, for example, in having a disease it is well to remember that not all diseases are the result of your own karma; they may be the result of the karma of the world, whose debt you may be helping to pay.

Not all the difficulties and sicknesses on your path are the result of your mistakes. They can also be the result of your love, labor, and dedication carried out beyond the capacity of your bodies. There are also cases in which a person pays for the karma of others, in order to save a group or a nation. But in all these cases, angels can help you in various ways. The important thing is not really healing or solving problems or making discoveries; the important thing is the process of perfection and unfoldment that you go through during your sickness, problems, and difficulties because through them you gain the resources of your knowledge of light, not otherwise available.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Angels and Devas

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