Monday, July 06, 2009

A method to overcome anger

How should you react when a gesture, a word or a glance triggers agitation, anger or some other negative state in you? First of all, stop for a moment. For if you allow your instinctive reactions free rein, you risk doing more harm than was done to you. Anger is the irruption of a brute force, which is not necessarily a bad thing. It can be quite the opposite even, but only if you know how to master it and direct it. How? By taking a deep breath and making a few harmonious, rhythmical movements with your legs, your arms or your head.

Even if you are bound hand and foot, just one free finger is all you need to regain equilibrium, peace and harmony within yourself. You can also imagine that you are writing magical words in the air in letters of light: peace, wisdom, love, beauty. These very simple methods produce great results, but you must remain sufficiently lucid and in control of yourself to think of using them.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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