Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Many people wonder whether angels really exist. Yes, they exist. They are immortal creatures made from such pure, subtle matter that nothing can reach them. They live in light and perfect joy, and they know everything except suffering. For suffering has a hold only over matter that is not absolutely pure. And an angel cannot suffer, because it is absolutely pure.

There are no angels on the physical plane; you will meet them only where the higher regions of the astral plane begin. At the boundary between the lower and higher astral planes there extends an intermediate zone where beings who work to rid themselves of all impurities live. They are still susceptible to torment from negative influences on the lower astral and physical planes, but the moment they cross this zone they become like angels.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


  1. "The Angels (unembodied souls) are mere automatons for the will of God, and they do nothing which is not desired or prompted by God. These wishes happen to be mere expressions of divine power and activity which are all-pervading. In short, Angels are pure, and not contaminated with physical embodiment. In this they are superior to the man whose consciousness has not extended beyond the limitations of the Gross (meaning a man not yet on the Path).
    Paradoxically, man, the inferior, who has succeeded in being contaminated with physical embodiment, is actually the superior in the strength of the potentialities latent within him. Experiencing his imperfections, limitations and weaknesses, he is potentially ripe to realise his real strength and purity, which are far above those of, and beyond the reach of, even the Archangels...
    Man has and man shall (because man alone can) jump over the last seven links of the really non-existent relative existences of all the four spheres into his really own - the fifth, the Real sphere. In short, Angels must necessarily cease to be Angels and become man before they can reach the reality attainable to man. And when man ceases to be man and enters the I am God state, he realises that Angels and Archangels are, in fact, his own attributes in one sense or another."

    from notes dictated by Meher Baba, GS p247-248


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