Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Plants are the first to bring life to inert matter

In order to bring movement to the motionless matter of stones, God created plants. Plants are intelligent entities, but their soul floats a long, long way from them in space. So we cannot communicate with them as we do with animals, or as we do to an even greater extent with humans, who are inhabited by an individual soul.

The first ray of God's love is manifested through plants. Plants are the first to bring life to inert matter, and they speak to it like this: 'Oh you creatures that live in stones, you have been there for billions of years, and you think you have been abandoned. But God thinks of you, and little by little you'll get back on the path of light again. It's a long way, but you will make it one day.' And they continue to work on the matter of the mineral kingdom, making it more supple and moist. Then along come the animals to continue this work of refinement. And then humans. This is how matter is enlivened, enriched and illuminated.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


  1. "Worshiping the fire" - wow, it's such a beautiful thought. I see you're an astrologer, so I would include my sun sign in my introduction. I am Avanika, from India, a Sagitarrian Dragon, a writer by profession, a philosopher at heart. I loved your blog and the writings, you're spreading light, I must say. I have written a lot on philosophy, travel and dance, I love to dance. I am a photographer as well. You might find my writings amateur in philosophy may be because I started writing too early (I will turn 22 this dec). I would like to share links to few of my articles.

    I would also like to "follow" your blog to stay tuned with your new writings, but I could not find that widget on your blog. It would be great to know you.

    Love, Light and Peace,
    Avanika. _/\_Namaste.

  2. Thank you Avanika. Its very nice to know you. And your blog looks beautiful.

    I added the followers widget, so now you can follow my blog.

    Have a beautiful day.
