Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Quality of food and building the inner, spiritual temple

With the food we take in each day, we are building our physical body, a body that must become the temple for the spirit. If the matter we absorb and use for this construction is not pure, it does not allow the spirit to enter us.

Those who eat meat, for example, must understand that all the animal cells they absorb are the building blocks for their body, and when they wish to carry out noble, generous deeds, these cells refuse to participate. The instinctive impulses that belong to the animal kingdom (fear, greed, cruelty, and so on) enter humans with the meat they eat, and when people want to develop their higher Self they encounter difficulties, because the animal cells do not conform to their ideal: these cells have a will of their own that conflicts with theirs and opposes the building of their inner, spiritual temple.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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