Saturday, August 01, 2009

Solar religion

A religion is only true in so far as it resembles the solar religion. And the religion that Jesus brought was a solar religion, whatever Christians may say; they have not yet understood his teaching correctly. Yes, when Jesus says, for example, 'Be perfect. as your heavenly Father is perfect', how can we have any idea what divine perfection is like? Only by taking the sun as a model.

In order to become truly perfect, we should not even take saints or initiates as models, only the sun. Of course, initiates will give you the example of great virtues, but they know they are nothing compared to the sun. That is why they express themselves with humility; they defer to the sun as their example, for they know that whatever they may do, their light, warmth and life cannot compare to the light, warmth and life of the sun.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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