Sunday, August 02, 2009

When you harm yourself you also harm humanity

Although they are obviously unaware of it, many people become real enemies of humanity because of the deplorable way they live. And if you try to make them understand this, they retort, 'But what do you mean? The way I live is my own business, I'm free, I'm only harming myself'.

Well, no, the fact is, when they go out and about and come into contact with other people they darken and poison the atmosphere, and their emanations also create disorder in others.

You must understand that, for evil as well as for good, there are no barriers between yourself and others. When you harm yourself you also harm the whole of humanity, for evil spreads in waves. And the same is true for good. So, when you purify yourself and when you seek light, all of humanity and even the entire universe benefit from it.

Try to understand that, and you will feel you have no choice but to find the best direction for your life.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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