Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Everyone expects from others to be faultless, kind and honest

You take it for granted that others should show wisdom, kindness and honesty and are indignant if they don't. But how do you yourself behave? You never ask yourself this, which is why there is so much chaos in the world. Everyone sees things the same way: they all expect others to be irreproachable, while they themselves can behave just as they wish.

Radio, television and newspapers are full of people criticizing and accusing others - it's all you'll ever hear, see or read. They make a career out of it, endlessly justifying their own mistakes.

It's just the same in daily life: people always have something to blame others for, while they see themselves as faultless. But, in an initiatic school, you will see that the opposite is taught, that true work involves dealing with oneself, with one's shortcomings, deficiencies and mistakes - and in leaving other people alone!

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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