Friday, September 04, 2009

Evolution - Everything must progress and improve

Evolution is the law of life. Everything must evolve, even minerals; they evolve very slowly, but they do evolve.

There is a force in minerals which works to bring to light all the qualities and virtues they contain. Precious stones and precious metals are more highly evolved minerals, possessing beneficial virtues. Plants also evolve, and the more they do the more they provide nutritious, healing flowers and fruits. It's the same with animals and people, and it's even true for our planet and the whole solar system.

Everything must progress and improve; where this law is impeded, destruction occurs. Entire human cultures, worlds and constellations have disappeared, because they have opposed the law of evolution. So, try to take this law seriously: your whole life will be transformed by it, and you will create a magnificent future for yourself.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov


  1. Hi Elena, I like the subjects you pick for your posts and the discussions, very thought provoking. Will be back to visit. Cheers
