Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to increase our prosperity potential

To increase the prosperity potential means to release the Inner Abundance on all levels of our expression. This is what self-actualization is. The Inner Abundance must express Itself as abundance on spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels. It must start from the spiritual level: spiritually you must be prosperous if you want to be prosperous on the lower planes and enjoy your prosperity on lower planes. We can increase our prosperity potential by establishing a contact with the Source of abundance within us and the Universe. This is the first requisite. Unless we establish this contact and prepare our bodies to receive it, we will not be in prosperity and abundance.

How can we have abundance?
There are seven main techniques which have been used throughout ages with great success. They are:
  • -meditation, which includes affirmations and visualization
  • -sacrificial service
  • -joy and ecstasy
  • -actualizing the virtues and visions contacted through meditation
  • -sharing
  • -expansion of the field of knowledge
  • -perseverance

  • Abundance is the result of unity, whether it is psychological or individual unity, group or national unity, or global unity. The depression in the world's economy is the result of the cleavages between nations and the result of efforts to perpetuate such cleavages. The great Lord once said. "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand." (Matthew 12:25) When you are working through Beauty, Goodness, and Truth you are linking your physical, emotional, and mental nature to the Source of abundance, to your true Self, the God within you. When God within you releases Itself, it gives energy to the threefold nature and fills you with abundance because Beauty, Goodness, and Truth are three streams of abundance pouring out from the ocean of your divine Self. It is also important to know that there are many fiery devas or angels who work in close association with those whose lives are dedicated to Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. Through currents of impression and thought they bestow their help to such individuals.

    -Torkom Saraydarian
    The Spring of Prosperity

    1 comment:

    1. Interesting, it parallels the saying that we should open ourselves to reach ultimate goodness and that in itself will lead us to - not want for anything.

      cheers BM
