Thursday, September 10, 2009

Needing understanding

You say you need friends that understand you, but you can't find this understanding anywhere. Ask yourself first what it is about you that you want them to understand. And even if it's your highest aspirations, why do you insist on others entering your heart and soul and knowing what's going on in them?

It should be enough to know you have the understanding and support of the angels, those luminous entities that populate space, and of God himself who created you. As for the rest - your feelings, your moods, your likes and dislikes - tell yourself that these are just a question of temperament, that everyone has them, and that it's not so important whether others are interested in them or understand them.

And, anyway, are you sure you understand yourself well? No? And yet you want others to!

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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