Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Self

The Self is the treasury within us. Our Core, which contains in Itself the entire splendor of the Universe, must come into manifestation.
Our greatest glory and honor is built in the process of actualizing our True Self. We are going to manifest the beauty which is hidden in each one of us. The percentage of our manifestation of beauty is equal to what we are, factually.

Try to radiate goodness through your thoughts, expressions, words, motives, and actions, and you will feel how real you are. Slander, envy, gossip, and treason keep you a slave in an illusionary world because they destroy the formation of your soul.
The Self is all loving, all understanding, all giving, and the more Self you are, the less people dare to manipulate your goodness.
The Self's only interest is to bloom and flower toward the Cosmic Self.
People must be good to their bodies and heart and mind. If you are doping your body, doing things against your conscience, or acting against the welfare and freedom of others, you are not good to yourself. If you are building a heavy karma for yourself by exploiting others, you are not good to yourself.

Doing goodness to yourself and others is a process of Self-actualization. In the advanced path you not only live a life of goodness, but you yourself also become an embodiment of goodness. Such was the Lord Buddha.
Some modern psychologists understand "Self-actualization" in a different way. They tell us to express our anger in violent ways, to express sex in various ways, to express our hatred and jealousy in still other various ways. These people have no idea about the Self. The Self for them is anger, hate, sex, jealousy, revenge. These are acts of Self-defeat. Trying to express your anger, sex, hate, revenge, etc., in order to get rid of them, is like trying to eliminate a cup of poison by dumping it down your throat.
The Self is beyond such vices. It is Beauty, Goodness, and Righteousness. Righteousness must be expressed throughout our life in our thoughts, words, and actions. The more righteous we are toward our body, heart, brain, wife, husband, children, neighbors, authorities, teachers, is how much righteousness we practice. Righteousness brings out the beauty and goodness that we are in our essence.

There was a mechanic who, one day, changed the oil in my car and in the meantime was talking about how righteous he was in all his relationships. After the oil was drained in a pan, he took it and dumped it under a huge tree. I moved close to him and said, "What a righteous fellow you are!"
The mechanic asked, "What is the matter?"
I asked, "How can you pour that poison on the roots of that magnificent tree?"
"Well, I must dump it somewhere," he said.
We must accept and cherish the rights not only of people but also the rights of animals, trees, and the soil. To respect and understand the rights of life-forms means to be righteous.
We must face ourselves often and check if we are trying to be really beautiful, to have goodness in our heart and righteousness in all our relationships. This leads us to Self-actualization. Every time we act ugly, with evil intention, or become unrighteous, we accumulate hindrances on our path and make it difficult to reach our future destination.
If we imagine having had five hundred incarnations and doing ten ugly things in each life, can you imagine how many obstacles we have accumulated on our path?

People say, "I am doing many things to shine out my light," but they cannot radiate light because they have built a cement wall around themselves for so many incarnations through ugliness, unrighteousness, and evil intentions.
Karma is the accumulation of those actions which make it very difficult for you to actualize your Divine Self. Every time you prevent your beauty, goodness, and righteousness from being active, you create karma.
Karma means hindrances, obstacles, walls around you. All these one day must be wiped away by your free will or by the force of karma. You will experience much pain to destroy these walls. The more you wait to destroy your obstacles, the more suffering and pain you will pass through.
The best policy in life is not to accumulate karma. The Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations did not see the consequences of the Law of Karma, and they faced a great disaster. Can our Aryan civilization escape from such destiny?
If we are beautiful, righteous, full of goodness, then then Self will rejoice, and the joy of the Self is the most healing power for our three vehicles.

-Torkom Saraydarian

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