Monday, September 07, 2009

Treasures and Treasures

“ spirit of gratitude ”

Those who have the spirit of gratitude already know that all of Nature, all of Life, is a treasure.We must learn to recognize that everything that exists is a treasure : mountains, rivers, lakes, streams, forests, flowers, birds, animals, minerals, and human beings. All of these are treasures in the treasury of space, and we must relate to them as treasures.

“ what is a treasure ? ”

A treasure is an object, a power, a living being,or a virtue that multiplies and meets your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. It also becomes a blessing to all around you, and to all those who are far away from you.

* * *

When I was four years old, while hiking with my Father in the mountains I saw some people who were driving a carriage with four horses. After watching their joy, I turned to my Father, looking at me, said, “I do not have a carriage, a horse... ” My Father, looking at me, said, “Let us sit on this rock for a moment and I will tell you what you have”. We sat on a rock facing a valley which spread out in front of us for hundreds of miles. “Now, first of all”, he said, “you have a nice body. Look at your hands. Here : look at your face in this small mirror. Do you see ?” “Yes”

“Also, all these mountains are yours. The air is yours ; the sky is yours ; that river is yours. This pure fragrance is yours ; these birds are yours. All of this is yours ... so long as you enjoy and care for these things.” “ Father,” I said, “I did not know that I had all of this ! ” “Later, when you grow up, you will realize that there are treasures which cannot be seen!” “Can any treasure exist which we cannot see ?” “Yes ! For example, your vision is a treasure which you cannot see. Can you see your mother’s love for you?” “No, but I know that she cares for me!” “Right. There are many treasures in man. One day you will discover them.”

“ human being is a great treasure ”

I never forgot this talk with my father, and gradually it sank into my heart. As I grew up I realized that the human being is a great treasure, with his senses, thinking, and creativity. Whenever, I walk in the mountains and canyons, it seems to me that I am walking among treasures.A flower, a bush, a bird, a deer is enough to make you feel ecstasy!

* * *

Just as a man who lives in luxury feels that all that he has is nothing special, so mankind lives in the treasury of Nature and feels that he has nothing. Unless one realizes that he is a treasure in himself, he cannot see the real treasures in life. The moment he realizes his own worth, he will be filled with gratitude and will become aware of all the treasures by which he is surrounded.

“ four facts ”

In later years, when I contemplated about treasures and the treasury, I discovered four facts that made me extremely happy. First, I found out that there were inner, invisible treasures as well as outer and visible treasures. Second, but a more important discovery was that the outer treasures could be increased by investing and sharing them or by using them economically. Inner treasures were also increased by sharing and distributing them with joy and love. The more you gave of your inner treasures, the more you had. Third, the inner and outer treasures do not belong to us but to all life! The fourth and final discovery was that ... when you share your inner treasures, you not only increase your inner treasures but you also increase your outer treasures. And similarly, when you share your outer treasures with clean motive, you increase your inner treasures.

“ a poor life, inspite of abundance ! ”

One day, while my family was traveling by boat on the ocean, I saw a bottle floating in the water. My mother said, “Can you tell me what the bottle suggests to you?” “That someone put a cork in it and threw it in to the sea.” “ Well, that is called a smart escape. But think now. Let me see if you can find something deeper.” “You know, mother, a floating bottle is like a foolish man.” “You are very close to finding the answer. Think a little more.” It was back on board that I finally found the answer. “The bottle is in the sea,” I said, “but the sea cannot fill it because it is closed.” “Then tell me: who is like this ?” I could not answer. Seeing my agony, she whispered in my ear, “Like those who have abundance, but live a poor life.”

* * *

People live surrounded by treasures, but they feel empty because they are closed. The word ‘closed’ in its connotation was so deep that I was often directed to examine its depth.

“ what are inner treasures ? ”

God in man is the Real Treasure! All other treasures belong to Him, in man. There are higher treasures in man which are the result of age ... long labor.For example, healing powers, the power to see the past and the future, the power of higher clairaudience, the power of higher clairvoyance, the power of artistic creativity, the power of renunciation and detachment, the power of serenity, the power of leadership, the power over elements, and the power of continuity of consciousness are just a few.

“ treasure tower ! ”

Treasure is something that increases and multiplies to meet your needs whenever you give your treasure to others. With joy, you install a window or another door in the Treasure Tower.

“ not imposing yourself ”

By making other human beings free, by not imposing yourself, by not making others, your slaves, by refusing to exploit or manipulate others, you build the Tower. Have you helped others to think freely, to choose and discriminate freely, to act freely ? Have you given freedom to others? Have you helped to free them from their vices, glamours, illusions, vanity and ego? Every time you make another human being your slave, or anytime you encourage a person to be a slave to their own weakness, you destroy the Tower.

“ the power within ”

You have within you the power to destroy or to build. If you are engaged in destruction, you will be struck in the classroom of this world forever suffering, inhaling smog, and being subjected to radioactivity and pesticides.If you are constructive, you will someday graduate from this school we call earth and have a chance to enjoy other creations that God has in this Universe!

-Torkom Saraydarian
Dynamics of The Soul

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