Sunday, October 25, 2009

Abusing the Earth

The earth is alive; it breathes, it eats, and like every creature that eats it also needs to eliminate, its eliminations sometimes manifesting as what are called volcanic eruptions.

And since the earth is alive, it doesn't remain insensitive to the activities of the humans living on its surface as they endlessly transform and exploit it for their comfort. They turn it upside down, rummage around in it, dig it up or flatten it, without once asking themselves whether they are disrupting an order that they don't understand. The earth receives all this in the form of itches, stings and wounds, and then from time to time it gives a flick to rid itself of these disturbances.

Humans must become aware that they live on the skin of the earth that supports them. It puts up with their actions for a few minutes - or a few thousand years, by its own timescale - but in the end it gets angry. Then they are terrified and they suffer, but will they be willing to learn the lesson?

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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