Friday, October 02, 2009

Difficulties and obstacles represent a useful resistance

How is it that we're able to move around easily on the earth? It's because the earth is hard and resistant. Try moving forward on quicksand, and you'll be swallowed up. And how is it that boats are able to move over water? Because water, too, is resistant, not as resistant as the earth, of course, but all the same it's thanks to the resistance of the liquid medium that boats go from one point to another. And it's also thanks to the resistance of air that planes are able to rise and fly in the sky.

So, you see, whether on the earth, on water or in the air, movement and the possibility of going forward are due to a certain form of resistance. And it's the same in the psychic domain. So, the day you understand that difficulties and obstacles represent a useful resistance, not only will you no longer complain, but you'll see in them only magnificent opportunities to advance. You will say, 'But I can refuse to go forward!' Yes, you can, but then you will be crushed, trampled underfoot. Because the law of life is to advance.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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