Friday, October 09, 2009

Improve the place you never go out of

All those materialists who have never done anything to make their inner world habitable think only of amusing themselves in the outer world. As soon as they find themselves in their own company they're bored; it's inner poverty. Spiritualists, on the other hand, know how to make their inner world so orderly and beautiful it lacks nothing: poetry, colours, music. everything that's beautiful is there, and they suffer when they are forced to 'go out' and leave this beauty behind.

So now, think about it. How much time do you spend with others? A few minutes, a few hours. And how much time do you spend with yourself? All the time, day and night. Well, don't you think it's much more important to improve the place you never go out of? Why do you allow your inner space to get so run down, like a hovel, or like an attic where the windows are broken, where spiders are walking across the ceiling and the mice are having a great time.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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