Monday, October 12, 2009

The simpler you are, the lesser you have to worry about

Be simple, in the way you live.
Dress simple, let it be clean and neat.
Eat simple, let it be sathwic.
Pray simple, let it be full of devotion.
Work simple, let it be full of service.
Speak simple, let it be sweet and soft.
Spend time simple, let it be devoid of showiness.
Love all, simple, let it be pure and selfless.
Call Me, simple,
Let it be from deeper than your heart.
The simpler you are,
The lesser you have to worry about.
The fewer the desires you have to kill,
The lesser the mind strays.
You unburden yourselves of all your luggage.
Possess less of worldly things,
Things that especially attach you to the body.
Learn to give all,
And take nothing less than My grace.

From : 'Sai Darshan' - Part III
(Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan)

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