Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weigh up all your petty annoyances against all the riches life has to offer you

Difficulties and inconveniences come at us from all sides, but even so, there are more good than bad things in life. That's why, when you are forever expressing your dissatisfaction, you are admitting to being incapable of seeing reality as it is. At least make the effort to see both sides of life.

Those who see only the positive side and are always satisfied and optimistic are not being realistic. But if you keep getting furious because such and such a person has said or done something that doesn't please you, or because you have had to pay more for something than you expected, or even because the meal is overcooked or too salty or not salty enough, eventually you'll look stupid or ridiculous. You are reacting to minor hiccups as though they were tragedies.

So learn to weigh up all your petty annoyances against all the riches life has to offer you. When you realize you've been forgetting how many beautiful and positive things there are in the world and unsettling your family's life and the life of those around you for no good reason, you will be ashamed.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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