Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Women and peace

... The fifth responsibility of the woman is to protect peace and harmony. If anybody has the right to do this, it is the right of woman. I remember in the Middle East there was a disagreement between two clans and both sides were preparing for bloodshed. Seeing the accumulated danger, the women of both sides met and decided to warn their men against such an action. Before it was too late, all the women of both parties were mobilized in such a way that they stopped any action toward bloodshed.
I heard the women saying to their husbands and sons and brothers, "If you go to war, that is the end of you. Our children's lives are more important than that for which you are fighting." I remember a very influential man saying, "Why to fight if we will lose our mothers' and our wives' love?"
See the power that the woman has.

Right human relations in the world --- why? Because if there are not right human relations in the world, if there is no peace in the world, the children that you raise will be ground under the wheels of the tanks or evaporated in the flames of the bombs. Your child whom you are raising is so beautiful, and everyday you are hugging and kissing him and looking to his future. That child goes with a machine gun and kills another child, and then they kill him, and a big tank comes and grinds and mixes their bones and flesh with their earth. Is that why you are having a child? Why are you not standing for the children then? Politicians have many, many ways to convince you to let your child go to war... but the women of Earth must not let the children go if they think that it is not advantageous for the culture and civilization of the world. Put this in your mind and think about it: any two boys fighting against each other prove their bankruptcy of logic and intelligence; when they initiate violence, they prove they are not human beings, but beasts. It is far less expensive to reach the women of the world and awaken them to protect peace and right human relations than to waste billions and billions of dollars, as well as the resources of Earth, to promote wars.

Woman is going to teach from the beginning, "My son, don't beat him. Understand him. Find ways and means to release the beauty in him; do not beat and kill him." If our children are raised in this way, they will not turn out to be the commanders and politicians who inspire us to fight.

I went to a Mother's Day party, and a man there gave a toast and said, "Our women are so beautiful, they cook for us; they give us all the sensations we need, and we must give them flowers." And the party ended like that. That is not the way to celebrate Mother's Day. The way to celebrate Mother's Day is to remind women, as well as men, that women have very deep and precious responsibilities. It will not be a worthy celebration if the women are not reminded of the greatest treasures they have within themselves and the greatest power they can exercise for the betterment of life.

If you have a physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy woman, that woman instinctively does not stand for any separate nation. She loves her nation, but all other nations as well, and often thinks, "Woman must establish peace and right human relations for she stands for life." It is generally woman who thinks universally and cosmically.

It is so interesting that the first group in service for Christ was established by the Mother Mary. This is not emphasized in our New Testament because the orientation was masculine at that time. In that day and age they were in a glamor that man was everything and woman must be suppressed. Mother Mary called all of the disciples and followers of Christ around here at the time of Pentecost, and she said, "Let us establish the first group of service and inspiration to the Great Lord." And the Holy Spirit came, like tongues of flames, and the Ministry of Light was begun.


The mothers must also protect the great cultural and historic monuments in all countries and in all nations from vandalism. All those objects that radiate the labor of ages, the labor of heart and genius, must be protected for the spiritual enjoyment and education of future generations.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Woman, Torch of the Future

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