Monday, November 09, 2009

Gifts from luminous beings

You will have seen artists who were greatly admired but were living debauched and perverted lives, with their circle of family and friends wondering how they could express heaven in the way they did when their lives were hell. They themselves didn't know either. They were unaware that their gifts originated from luminous beings in the invisible world, who had come to manifest within them in the hope of saving them.

Yes, the mysterious talent revealed in certain people is a sort of bridge which spiritual entities establish between these people and heaven. The entities write, paint, compose, sing and play through the people they inhabit, making enormous sacrifices to lead them out of hell. If they persevere on their path of destruction, the entities one day end up leaving them; they do so with sadness, but they have no alternative.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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