Saturday, November 21, 2009

Importance of Sathwic Food

The material making up your thoughts is extremely subtle; it arises from the food you eat. On the other hand, if you take in food that is not sanctified, dark feelings, dark actions and dark thoughts will flourish. Not only this, but because of unwholesome food you will weaken the body and lose the power of digestion, and suffer all sorts of bodily discomforts. Therefore, if you consume food that has been sanctified you will get only sacred thoughts.

When a person is filled with sacred thoughts all his actions will be sacred. His words will also be sacred. Thoughts and the thought process constitute the very form of the mind. Immediately transform any dark thoughts into sacred ones. In the same way, see to it that you undertake only good actions, and take every opportunity to transform these actions into worship by consecrating them to the Lord. By transforming all thoughts into noble thoughts and all work into worship, you will naturally progress on the sacred path.

-Sai Baba

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