Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Love has the power that will kill in you all that must not live

Meditation is one of the practices that allows you to control the mind. Meditation will not help if it is done only for a few minutes a day, for when you get back to your normal routines, your mind goes back to play. You must practice to be meditative at all times. Your mind must be controlled constantly, in all your battles throughout the day.

For your mind to stay in the "stop" mode, you must focus all your energies on God, in the powers of your own divinity, and must surround yourselves with the spirits and angels of goodness. Only when the mind is at rest and pure, will the heart learn to love. A restless mind will only give you a heartache. The self will control only when you believe in the self. The God within each one of you lives, directs, and loves. No one is good and no one is bad, it is only the temporary insanity of your minds, it is only a sick and diseased heart, and a soul that stands behind the curtain of the ego. All is God, and all is love, but that you must find yourselves, and I, My sweet, will just stand back and wait!

Loving a person, even though he may resent or dislike you, is an accomplishment, but to love this person and not feel hurt at his resentment towards you, not to expect him to acknowledge your love, to help him in spite of his spite for you, and to continue to wish him well with your sincere prayers for him, is a sure sign of divinity.

Love must be universal. Love cannot be "mine" or "yours". Such love results only into hate, envy or jealousy. Now you ask Me, why must you love? What will motivate you to love? My answer to this is, to make 'peace' with your "self", to be born only once and have no deaths, to end the war between your mind and God, to recognize your origin, to know your true name -, and to learn that your dependence on your ego's has become your own prison. End your fears of life, for when love enters, fear dies, and life will live for love. The experience of pure love will only remove the separation of "I" from God. Love has the power that will kill in you all that must not live, and free you into living a life without the "you" and only the "self". Yes, it comes in a storm, where the lightening of truth flashes, the thundering voice of your conscience deafens you with its warnings, and the rain pours with love, awakening spiritual life to grow. Grow with love, to love all, in love with God, to know "love".

-Sai Baba
Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan

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