Saturday, November 28, 2009

Meditation and Angels

Meditation is a very safe way to attract the attention of angels. Meditation spreads peace in the body, emotions, and mind, harmonizes them, increases their vitality, and makes them more magnetic. Meditation raises the level of consciousness and makes it more sensitive to higher angelic impressions.

During meditation higher thoughts, ideas, and visions are attracted to the aura of the person. Such currents of higher thoughts create beautiful colors and radiations in the aura and send a signal of invitation to angels. As meditation deepens and the human consciousness enters into contemplation, the bridge between the two shores becomes shorter, and eventually the person finds himself in a blissful precipitation of higher currents of energies and ideas. This is how conscious contact between men and angels is established and how both can help each other's evolution.

Man must not try to bring invisible beings or angels to the sphere of the earth, but he must try to raise his own consciousness and meet them in their spheres.

Your intention in meditation must not be to force the angelic beings to come in contact with you. Such an intention in itself repels them. You must raise your consciousness and things will happen naturally.

During meditation, you must be very careful to be focused in the higher mental plane, working with the pure substances of logic, reasoning, and intuitive perception. If you fall into the astral plane with a desire to meet angels, you will meet them; however, they will not be the ones you want to meet but rather those who will mislead you on your path.

Any extrasensory experience must be recorded clearly as it happened. Later, during the same day, you must study it and see whether it is a glamor, illusion, or attack. No experience must be taken as a signal of communication with Higher Worlds unless it proves to be so. The development and unfoldment of discrimination begins when the person faces subtle problems and tries to make a right judgment and take a right action.

Whenever you think that you are falling into glamor and are attacked by invisible forces, stop your meditation for a while and seek the advice of a Teacher.

-Torkom Saraydarian
(Angels and Devas)

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