Sunday, November 29, 2009

Psychic atmosphere of the cities

All kinds of creatures swarm in the stagnant waters of swamps, each discharging its waste and excrement which the others are forced to absorb. Well, these swamps can be compared to the atmosphere of the cities, where so many unenlightened and unconscious people discharge their anxiety, jealousy, hatred and unsatisfied desires. A clairvoyant can see black, sticky forms emerging from countless creatures and accumulating in the layers of the atmosphere. And, even if we cannot see any of this, now and then we cannot help but feel something thick, heavy and dark shrouding these cities.

Each of you must become aware of this psychic atmosphere and strive not only to produce fewer noxious fumes but to work consciously to purify your thoughts and feelings. Like waves of light, these will spread throughout space as a blessing for all humanity.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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