Tuesday, November 17, 2009

We should not be patient with those who...

The Master Peter Deunov used to say, 'If someone climbs onto your back, be patient; if they hurl swarms of flies and mosquitoes at you, you must also be patient. But if they place their hands over your eyes as you start off on your path, you must not accept it.' What does this mean?

In our daily life, we must strive to carry the burdens others place on our back, and we must also be patient if they complicate our life and treat us unfairly. The only thing we must not accept is if they prevent us from seeing the right path and following it. We should not be patient with those who, through their words or behaviour, try to destroy the temple of God within us, to extinguish our light and cut our ties with the Creator. We should resist such people with all our force.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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