Monday, November 30, 2009

You are not weak

Human beings are weak, it is true, but the reason they are so weak is that they have come to think of their weakness as natural, as part of who they are. This is even the favourite theme of moral and religious teachings: human nature is weak and sinful.

In reality, humans are not so weak, but they are certainly lazy! They refuse to take themselves in hand and instead give way to all their selfish, aggressive impulses. Then, of course, they cannot help but see their failures.

You are not weak, and you will see that this is so if you make a habit of facing your difficulties. If you run from them, they become insurmountable, and you then have good reason to cry about your weaknesses. But if you decide to confront your difficulties, your efforts will seem easier and easier. What is a true spiritualist? It is someone who surmounts his obstacles and, by means of them, soars higher and further.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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