Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The elixir of immortal life

What are meditation, contemplation and prayer? Simply ways of nourishing ourselves. Thanks to them we taste a heavenly food, ambro­sia, the food of immortality. It is an ethereal food, but it also corresponds to something on the physical plane. Alchemists have called it the elixir of immortal life. This elixir is dispersed throughout nature, and it is the sun that distributes it.

If we go to watch the sunrise in spring and summer, it is precisely in order to drink this quintessence of life that the sun distributes throughout the universe, particles of which are received by rocks, plants, animals and humans. All living beings capture these particles unconsciously, but humans can learn to capture them consciously in the fluidic matter of sunlight.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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