Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It is not the physical body that needs love

What people call love cannot, in truth, find complete satisfaction on the physical plane. For it is not the physical body that needs love but the heart and, beyond that, the soul and the spirit. Those who stop at the physical body can only experience a few sensations, a few pleasant emotions, which often turn into jealousy, aggression and even hate. In love, as in many other domains, you must see the body not as the goal but purely as an instrument.

All couples who live together without making the effort to seek something beyond physical pleasure gradually turn their lives into a hell, for they end up seeing only each other's negative points. If they really try to make their love an exchange at the level of the soul and spirit, they will taste renewed happiness each day. Even when they have grown old, they will never stop rediscovering each other and enjoying each other's company. For it's not the envelope - the receptacle, the body - that one loves but what it contains: the spiritual principle, born of the one, inexhaustible Source.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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