Friday, December 25, 2009

The significance of the enemy determines the importance of the person

Each one has his enemy. The significance of the enemy determines the importance of the person, just as a shadow depends on the size of the object. One should not concern oneself especially about the enemies, nor should one regard them with disdain. There exists no man without his shadow.

Akbar, called Great, regarded his enemies with care. His favorite councilor kept the list of enemies. Akbar often inquired, "Has not some worthy name appeared on the list? When I shall see a worthy name, I will send my greeting to the friend in disguise." Further spoke Akbar, "I rejoice that I could apply in life the sacred Teaching, that I could give people contentment, and that I was brought into light by the shade of great enemies." Thus spoke Akbar, knowing the value of enemies. Never was a Teaching elevated by its friends. If an enemy is a shadow, then slander is the trumpet call.

-Agni Yoga, Para. 270

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