Saturday, December 19, 2009

Why do so many remarkable people arouse terrible hostility?

Why do so many remarkable people arouse terrible hostility? Because the dark forces they have expelled from their inner world return to attack them through other people who are disturbed by their qualities, virtues and force of character. By contrast, people who lead an ordinary life disturb no one, and everyone is happy with them.

But even though it's not easy to face external enemies, these are less dangerous than inner ones, and you have to use love, gentleness and patience with them. With inner enemies, on the other hand, you have to use firmness, authority and severity. Unfortunately, humans more often than not do the opposite: they show patience and indulgence towards their inner enemies, and towards their outer enemies they are extremely severe. So is it surprising if they're forever struggling with problems from which they cannot free themselves?

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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