Thursday, December 10, 2009

Working to purify the spiritual atmosphere

You are walking down the street, or you have to wait at the doctor's, at a ticket office, on a railway platform or in the underground. Instead of allowing your mind to wander, try to bring it under control and use it to create an atmosphere that is fraternal and harmonious, so that one day the earth will become a place where all human beings live happily.

But where are the enlightened beings who will commit to this work? When they are not concentrating on a particular activity, most people allow themselves to ruminate on their desires, lusts and grudges: how they are going to teach this one a lesson, oust that one or take revenge on him. And these ruminations are extremely costly for humanity as a whole, for the entire atmosphere is filled with chaotic and unhealthy vibrations.

When there are enough enlightened beings in the world who are working to purify the spiritual atmosphere by the way they live and think, many others, gradually won over by their example, will follow.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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