Friday, January 01, 2010

Destroying material desire

To destroy this consciousness, one should dissociate himself from his own personality and in his imagination identify himself with others. He will find out that the resultant state of mind is the same in everyone-momentary pleasure followed by dissatisfaction and more desires. Ceasing to desire, he will discover that what he really wants is not ego-satisfaction,or whim satisfaction, but satisfaction of the Self or soul.

The soul, being unlimited,does not allow itself to be circumscribed by the ego's narrowness. The destruction of ego consciousness does not mean that we should live aimless lives, but that we should not limit ourselves by being identified with ego's attachments. We are not to throw away our possessions, or not to take care of the things we have, or cease trying to possess what we really need; but in the course of performing our duties, we should eliminate the bondage of attachment. Those who free themselves from ego's narrowness and the consciousness of ego's possessions hold dominion over earth adn heaven. A child of Spirit who is free from ego's material attachment may surely have everything that is in the universe as his rightful divine inheritance. All his desires are satisfied.

-Paramahansa Yogananda 

God Talks With Arjuna: The Bhagavad Gita

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