Friday, January 15, 2010

How to escape your inner discomfort: Take refuge in higher realms

There is always a way to escape your inner discomfort: you can go to another level. Let's take an example. You are feeling upset and discouraged, it feels as if everyone and everything that happens is against you. And then you fall asleep. When you wake up a few moments later, you feel as if something has changed. What happened? As you went to sleep, you went to another level; you escaped, and the 'enemies' pursuing you weren't able to follow you.

There is always a place where you can take refuge, and you would be spared much suffering if you knew how to go to another level.

Think about it. Instead of sinking into negative states as if they were quicksands, react immediately. As soon as you feel sad or discouraged, try to go to a place where you can elude these feelings. If the torments are in your mind, go into your heart. If you are being hounded in both heart and mind, rise up to the soul. If you are even being pursued in your soul, take refuge in your spirit. Nothing can reach you there.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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