Sunday, January 31, 2010

Link yourself to angelic hierarchies

Humans are so presumptuous, they think they are the only truly evolved creatures in the universe. They place animals, plants and stones beneath them, and somewhere far, far above them, who knows where, is God, the Creator. That's if they believe in him. They are unaware of the various entities acting as a link between God and the human world. Or even if they know of them, because they have actually heard of angelic hierarchies, they rarely think of them and do not try to establish any link with them.

Catholics and orthodox Christians appeal to the saints; that's fine, but even the greatest saints are only human beings, and the worship they receive often reminds one of pagan worship. So, become aware of the existence of angelic hierarchies, and link yourself to them, for only they can lead you to God.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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