Thursday, January 07, 2010

No one wants to replace people who radiate life

How disappointing it is for the young artists who have been idolized by the crowds to see themselves quickly forgotten and replaced by others! But however much they torment themselves and complain of life's unfairness, that's how it is: the public is pitiless and looks for novelty, and those it applauds one minute are quickly replaced by new people, and those by other new people - unless they know the secret of how to renew the life inside them.

If you know how to radiate new life each day, life that is love, light and purity, no one will ever want to replace you, even if you live to be 300! The sun cannot be replaced; all kinds of things and people are replaced, but no one as yet has ever managed to replace the sun. Husbands replace their wives and wives their husbands for all sorts of reasons. But the real reason is that all these husbands and wives have allowed their life to stagnate. No one wants to replace people who radiate life, for life is what everyone needs most.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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