Friday, January 15, 2010

The Sirens

Certain artistic creations, though considered masterpieces, detain humans in the twilight regions of the astral plane. They do not, therefore, help them to see clearly where they are, they do not make them better people and they even prevent them from evolving. Of course, no one can deny these astral regions are very seductive, but those who linger there become their prisoners.

In The Odyssey, Homer recounts how Ulysses, while sailing off the island of the Sirens, stopped up his companions' ears with wax, so they wouldn't let themselves be seduced by the women with melodious voices, who would have diverted them from their route so as to devour them. The Sirens are one of many symbols for entities of the astral plane that are certainly very seductive, but humans must try by every means to escape them.

Like Ulysses, a true teacher who knows the realities of the psychic world attempts to warn his or her disciples against the traps of the astral world and leads them further and higher, so they can discover the only realities worth discovering: the splendours of the divine world.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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