Saturday, February 13, 2010

Seven Signs that you are living a good life

You cannot resolve material problems or challenges with material answers. You need to look at spiritual answers first. Our spiritual needs are powerful and need to be strengthened to enable everything else to fall into place.

Seven Signs that you are living a good life:

1. Good Sleep - Sleep is important for regeneration spiritually and physically. Restful sleep is a sign that you’re doing something right, and something is working in you.
2. Physical energy
3. Ability to think clearly – observant. You can focus, you know you can think clearly, you have good concentration.
4. Good Health. Very important, you need to make the right choices and value your health, eat right, drink right, detox - you have to know what works for your individual body.
5. Inner joy – When you have inner joy, no-one can take it away from you. Inner joy is knowing that life will unfold, that you will deal with it, that you have strength. Joy comes from the ability to take very long term view…see big picture. Find ways to activate joy in your life, it will strengthen your spirit.
6. Good relationships with yourself – you must honour yourself, you must honour the beauty that you are, the creativity and wonder that you are. Always, the way you treat yourself is the way you treat other people. If you can’t get along with others, if you have disdain, hate for others it means you have disdain hate for yourself and can’t get along with yourself. You are important, you are your first line of defence, put yourself first.
7. Excellent communication skills with other people. The key to good communication is to listen. Listen physically, emotionally, mentally and listen with your spirit.

Signs that something is wrong in your life:

1. Insomnia– mild or persistent, mild that may relate to an incident or event. This is serious. Take attention because your physical and spiritual body is not being renewed and rested. Need retreats, detox and cleansing, quiet time. See what you can do to change that.
2. Inertia, lack of energy. Are you strong or do you have inertia? Don’t ignore it or inertia will lead to depression and when you suffer from depression you make choices that will hurt you.
3. Mental disturbances. If you’re mentally very stimulated, there is no stopping your mind, we are being challenged at every turn, this can lead to mental disturbances where you can’t focus or think clearly.
4. Physically unfit.
5. Irritable/anxious/fearful – If you are negative, there is something wrong in your life. This can lead to depression and should not be ignored or life/decisions/spirit will suffer.
6. Relationships suffering. If you find communication breaks down, or you’re snapping at people - all signs that something is wrong.

-Gita Saraydarian

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