Sunday, February 28, 2010

The so-called 'sexual liberation'

The so-called 'sexual liberation', so applauded by the young, could actually have been a great step forward. However, what we see at present is not progress but a collapse of moral standards. The increasing tendency of boys and girls to sleep together, because they can't find any better way to pass their time or experience pleasure, is very detrimental to their psychic life. They've hardly met, they don't know each other, they don't love each other, and they make love, for want of anything better to do, as if it were no more important than playing cards! And then, just as they would after a game of cards, they separate and begin again the following day with others. Such behaviour is very serious, and not because they're disobeying rules invented by a few moralists; it's serious for them; it's not morality or moralizers they are harming, it's themselves.

There is nothing reprehensible in the sexual act itself, even when it doesn't have the aim of creating a child. But it's important to know all the entities and forces that come into play during this act, so you can give the act spiritual meaning and direction; otherwise, all you do is destroy yourself.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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