Monday, April 05, 2010

Creating a harmonic ambience

The atmosphere, the ambience in which people find themselves, is an important factor in bringing out either their good or their bad side. This is why you must immerse yourself as often as possible in an ambience of peace, harmony and light. Of course, its effects often last no longer than the time you're immersed in it, but at least for a few moments your lower nature is reduced to silence, while your higher nature expands. And by dint of repeating this experience, your higher nature will one day predominate.

Some people consider that toning down their lower nature is a sign of weakness; they feel much better giving vent to their aggressive instincts and their desire to dominate - in letting their wild animals out, in fact! But then these wild animals cause a lot of damage and devour their children, in other words their good thoughts and feelings that are not yet firm and strong. So these wild animals need to be restrained a little, and this is what the disciples of an initiatic school seek to do, thanks to the harmonious ambience they strive to create.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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