Thursday, May 20, 2010

Identifying with an illness

Someone says: 'As you can see, I'm sick; there are no two ways about it.' But what he doesn't know is that by affirming his illness in this way he reinforces it. Although the illness affects only one part of his body, he identifies with it and in his mind allows it to take over the entire terrain.

So what should you do instead? When you are sick, even if you are dying, you must say: 'It is true that my body is sick, but I myself - a child of God, a divine spark - cannot be sick.' And this conviction puts you above your illness: you do not identify with your body but with your spirit, which lives in light and eternity.

When you decide to put this law of the supremacy of the spirit to work in your life, you first effect changes in the realm of thought. These changes then influence the realm of feelings and sensations, finally crystallizing on the physical plane where things become organized and clear.

-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

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