Saturday, May 29, 2010

Taking the responsibility of our mistakes

Those who lack the sense of responsibility argue with you if you point out their mistakes. They feel angry and hurt and eventually deny their failure and mistakes. No one can help such people.
A responsible person will beg you to show him his mistakes because he knows that it is only through correcting his mistakes that he will be able to exercise his sense of responsibility more efficiently.

Irresponsible people insist that their mistakes originate from you or from others, if they can even see the mistakes at all. They cannot correct themselves and therefore always remain mediocre and resentful.

If you do not accept your failures or mistakes with humility and joy, and if you reject those who point out your mistakes to you, something very serious happens to your mind. Every time you make a mistake, your mind will accept it as if it was not an important mistake. Eventually your mind will develop a system of rationalization and the making of excuses and tell you, "It is okay; there is no problem." When your mind programs itself in this way, it eventually leads you to disaster. Because your mistakes are not corrected, they increase and cause you failure.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The sense of responsibility in society, p.17

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