Sunday, June 27, 2010

Do not attack the object of worship of others

Those who dishonor an image of worship, an image of joy and adoration, or an object of devotion and high respect are criminals, no matter in what field that object is found: political, educational, philosophical, artistic, scientific, religious, or financial.

Let people worship anything they want, but try to draw their attention to the innermost meanings of their object or religion and you will have an opportunity to make the object of their worship an object of transformation.

Thus, do not attack the object of worship of others, but try to find something beneficial in it and draw their attention to that point of beauty. Every object of worship can be turned into a source of energy that can transform the nature of its worshippers.


The ancients used to say:
"Do not belittle a father in front of his son, or a husband in front of his wife."
"Do not attack images of worship."

Such attacks destroy the people's vision and faith, and those from whom a great image is taken become criminals.

Of course in any field one can find failures. Instead of telling the story of their failures, instead of broadcasting into the public consciousness the failure images of our leaders, let the authorities deal with them.

People think that all truth must be the public's property. Many people use this argument to make their lies, fabrications, and falsehoods public property.

People especially must not tolerate attacks on the images of their religious worship because such images are commingled with their heart and life, and without such images they cannot create energy or sustain their integrity.

A great political example of this was Russia. During the 1917 revolution, there was widespread destruction of churches, mosques, and temples. Widespread murder was committed against religious leaders. They were publicly disgraced. And now we have seen how the people have slowly disintegrated and fallen into corruption, bribery, hatred, cleavages, and so on.

Seventy years of Communism was not able to create friendship, brotherhood, respect, or cooperation between various races and nations, and at the first opportunity for freedom the dirt came out.

Respect the images of worship of people, and you will be able to create the harmony of cooperation among those whose images of worship are highly respected and recognized.

Every hero, every public image, can be used as an opportunity to create public festivities and to produce energy. The purpose is to create a unified field of energy.

It is important that people feel excitement, love, devotion, and gratitude because these feelings create energy. If a group is full of such feelings, that group is in a field of energy which purifies, heals, and changes every member in the group.

Many people in the group feel that something changes in them when they are in special meetings. They feel physically rested and harmonious. Many of their physical complaints even disappear; they feel healed. Eventually they feel harmony and joy. They feel mutually inspired and uplifted, their horizon expands spiritually, and their whole being is charged with a new ecstasy. These are the results of the energy created by the unification and harmony of group feelings. That is why in certain phases of our life - such as birthdays, baptism, marriage, graduation, and various happy events - we feel totally uplifted. The accumulated feelings of joy, gratitude, appreciation, love, and respect are doing their work.

Group festivals or festivities of inaugurations and other public celebrations create massive energy which may transform a nation and clear many ugly accumulations from the aura of that nation.

-Torkom Saraydarian
The Mystery of Self-Image

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