Thursday, February 07, 2013

The blue flame of baptism

When you are baptized, in your heart center a blue flame starts to be lit.  That is why baptism is so important.  It is a Holy Mystery. Before Christ, they used to baptize to connect the man with the Hierarch. At baptism the heart center is lit with a blue flame. M. M. says that the blue flame in the heart is the connecting link with Christ. Whether the baby knows it or not, at the time of baptism when you are reading these beautiful prayers and you are using the signs of power, the flame is lit in the heart center. A clairvoyant can see it.

I was swimming in a lake with a boy when four horses came and drank from that lake. Then we got out and we were playing nearby. Two other boys came who were not baptized. Other horses came to drink, but they just smelled the water and they didn’t drink. I went to my Teacher and told him about it. He said, “Yes, it is different because those who are baptized in the name of Christ radiate a different smell and different lights. That is why all churches are very anxious to baptize people. Even when they don’t know, even when it is sometimes automatic, mechanical, there is some reality behind it. If people are really baptized in His name, they have that link.”

-Torkom Saraydarian
Teachings of Christ vol.1

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