Saturday, July 20, 2013

Selling one's soul to the dark forces

If a man becomes a clear channel for a dark force, he is part of their army. We read in Faust, for example, of a ceremony in which a man signs a document with his blood, selling his soul to Satan. In medieval history, there are thousands of similar stories in which people have sold their souls to evil. For example, an evil one would say, “You want a pretty girl? Then sign your soul over to us, and we will bring the most beautiful girl to you.” People in these stories also sign away their souls for wealth, power, or to destroy a nation. The dark forces say, “We will do it for you, but you must give us your soul.”

These examples refer to the renouncement of your Solar Angel. Once you renounce your Solar Angel, you join the dark army. Your Solar Angel then leaves you because you “sold It” to the dark forces. The Solar Angel does not belong to the dark forces, but your agreement with Satan makes your Solar Angel leave you. Once your Angel is gone, you are at the mercy of the dark forces.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark forces

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