Saturday, September 14, 2013

The dark forces try to destroy your conscience

When a person severs his relationship with his Solar Angel, he cuts his communication with his conscience. If you sell your conscience, you cannot operate as a soul anymore. You become a machine in the hands of the dark forces.

The conscience is the presence of the Solar Angel within you. The dark forces make great efforts to impress your mind not to pay attention to your heart, to your feelings, or to your conscience. They say, “Just do it. Why should it bother you? It is only ten cents that you stole. It is not a big deal. You made that girl pregnant and then you deserted her. What’s wrong with that? Everyone does it. You became angry with your wife and said terrible things to her. These things happen every day. You gossiped? Well, why are you bothered about that? Everybody gossips.” These are subtle examples of how they operate.

Through such methods, the dark forces begin destroying your conscience so that you no longer have any contact with it. They attempt to close off your conscience so that you do not feel bad about having negative thoughts, feelings, speech, and motives. They say, “Don’t feel bad about your actions. You did it, and now it’s finished.” They may even lead you to a psychologist or psychiatrist who eventually takes your conscience away from you, someone who will say, “You did it; it is finished and gone. Why worry or feel guilty?” You eventually become a zombie who thinks all of his sins have no impact or that they have been forgiven. Or a person goes to a priest and asks that his sins be forgiven, and the priest gives him absolution by saying, “All the sins on earth and in heaven are now forgiven you.” Why not tell the person, “You did it wrong; don’t do it again. I am glad that you are worrying and in a panic about it.” This is the action of light. The other that hides and covers your conscience is the action of darkness.

One must really suffer with his conscience without exaggerating the situation. Through exaggeration, the dark forces totally destroy your conscience by making it overly sensitive. For instance, you think that with every little mistake you make you are going to end up in hell. This can lead to insanity because you are in a panic and think that you are condemned to hell from then on. I visited a mental hospital and talked with two Christian girls who had been committed. One of them said, “I am going to burn in hell because I kissed a boy. My priest told me I was going to hell.” The other girl kept repeating, “I have lost my soul; I have lost my soul.” “Where did you lose it?” I said to her. “You are here, talking with me. You are the soul, understand?” Evil forces can magnify your mistakes and sins in a way that you lose your mind.

-Torkom Saraydarian
Battling Dark Forces

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